SECONDMENT - Deputy Special Representative of INTERPOL to European Union based in Brussels
Publication Starting Date: Jan 23, 2025
Location: Brussels, Belgium, Belgium, B-1000
Company: Interpol
This vacancy announcement pertains to law enforcement and/or governmental officials within INTERPOL's member countries only.
Please read the Conditions of Secondment in force at INTERPOL including the maximum duration of secondment.
INTERPOL has launched a Financial Assistance Programme for Secondments. This program is targeting non represented and underrepresented member countries which have been deterred from sending Seconded Officers to INTERPOL due to financial reasons. For more information on the eligibility, on the process and on the financial package, please write to
Please be aware that your home Administration/Agency/Service/Government will be responsible for all of your salary/remuneration, social insurance, pension contributions, welfare benefits, family allowances, benefits during your assignment at INTERPOL as well as travel, removal expenses related to your arrival at and departure from INTERPOL, and any other related costs depending on your circumstances. It is requested that you obtain in writing, confirmation from your home Administration/Agency/Service/Government that it agrees with these CONDITIONS OF SECONDMENT. This confirmation letter should be forwarded to us THROUGH THE NCB.
INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization, with 196 member states. Created in 1923, it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities, and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime. INTERPOL is now looking for a qualified candidate as a SECONDMENT - Deputy Special Representative of INTERPOL to European Union based in Brussels within the Exec. Dir. Partnerships & Planning which is part of the Special Representative EU .
INTERPOL embraces diversity and is committed to achieving diversity and inclusion within its workforce. Applicants from the underrepresented Member States and qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Job title: SECONDMENT - Deputy Special Representative of INTERPOL to European Union based in Brussels
Reporting To: Special Representative of INTERPOL to European Union (SRIEU)
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Duration (in months): 36.00
Grade: 2
Number of post: 1
Security Clearance Level: Enhanced
Deadline for application: 22 March 2025
INTERPOL is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes the applications of all qualified candidates who are nationals of INTERPOL Member States, irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities.
INTERPOL places no restrictions on the eligibility of candidates, without distinction as to race or ethnic origin, religion, opinions, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. However, the national policy and laws in force in INTERPOL host countries may mean that staff members’ spouses or partners, while legally recognized by the Organization, are not given the same recognition when they reside in certain duty stations. When this is the case, the Organization will inform the candidates accordingly to ensure that they are aware of the situation and allow them to make an informed decision.
Under the supervision of the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the European Union (SRIEU) the holder coordinates the EU Office in Brussels and must ensure
(1) that the policies of the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the European Union, in so far as they concern the work of the EU Office, are known, understood, and fully implemented,
(2) that the EU Office functions efficiently and actively supports the concerned Directorates and policies of IPSG.
The holder is the deputy of SRIEU and ensures his replacement in his absence.
The incumbent will be required to manage complex issues of INTERPOL’s activities under the supervision of the SRIEU.
He/she will be directly responsible for all staff in the EU Office, as well as managing its related financial and staffing resources. He/She may be required to act in the absence of the SRIEU.
To assist the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the European Union in his liaison work between IPSG and the EU Parliament, the Council and the Commission of the European Union. In addition the liaison work embodies as well other institutions working on terrorism, transnational organized crime and international police cooperation, including Europol, Eurojust, Frontex, Olaf, Cepol and UNODC as well as the Permanent Representations to the EU.
As part of Duty No. 1:
- To develop and maintain effective contacts with the European Union’s institutions and their respective senior managers, the Directorates and Sub-Directorates of the General Secretariat including the Regional Bureaus (RBs), National Central bureaus (NCBs) and other national and international institutions outside the Organization, as directed by the SRIEU, and to represent INTERPOL in European Union meetings and other fora when called upon to do so.
- To increase the European Union’s decision makers’ knowledge about INTERPOL and INTERPOL’s activities.
- To represent accurately the views and opinions of the SRIEU and the INTERPOL General Secretariat (IPSG) at regional and international meetings.
- When called upon, and under the guidance of the SRIEU and as per INTERPOL communication policies, to brief media representatives on issues pertaining to the work of the EU Office or as otherwise instructed.
In consultation with SRIEU, to ensure that the EU Office identifies existing and emerging crime related problems / issues relevant for the cooperation with the European Union, provides advice and recommendation to SRIEU and develops partnership and strategic initiatives between INTERPOL and the European Union as necessary.
As part of Duty No. 2:
- To develop and implement a process for determining the EU Office’s priorities, in consultation with the SRIEU and in close cooperation with IPSG.
- To determine in close cooperation with the SRIEU the common crime priorities of both institutions where the EU Office can coordinate activities and provide an added-value support.
To define, plan with SRIEU, and implement the policy of the EU Office in order to ensure that it provides quality, up-to-date specialized knowledge relevant to the cooperation between INTERPOL and the European Union with a view to improve cooperation with the European Union regarding law enforcement related issues which might be of interest for IPSG and INTERPOL’s member countries.
As part of Duty No. 3:
- To perform a wide range of managerial activities related to the co-ordination and supervision of the EU Office, including, but not limited to, personnel, financial planning, strategic and operational decision making, policy issues and project management.
- To continuously manage, review, evaluate, thoroughly analyze and correct the key processes within the EU Office in order to keep pace with the changing developments within European Union and in accordance with policies IPSG. Make clear, accurate, and timely recommendations to the SRIEU.
- To ensure that all tasks assigned by the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the European Union, (including issues arising from General Assembly resolutions, or recommendations from Regional Conferences, and action plans, etc.) receive appropriate attention and/or action from the EU Office.
- To set up a system allowing the monitoring and coordination of all EU office projects.
To assist the SRIEU in the continuous development of the EU Office, the concerned Directorates within IPSG and the INTERPOL Organization. Perform any other duties as required by the supervisor.
As part of Duty No. 4:
- To make recommendations to the SRIEU regarding recruitment, staffing, and budget requirements in order to staff the EU-Office at an appropriate level and maintains the correct range of skilled and experienced staff.
- To ensure that the personnel of the EU Office receive clear and timely instructions regarding internal management decisions and expectations of the SRIEU and the Secretary General. Supervise the work of the EU Office and provide managerial advice and guidance to the staff.
- To maintain policy objectives, working methods, and procedures and techniques under review and conduct changes to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the EU Office.
- To provide regular reports to the Special Representative of INTERPOL to the European Union on the activities of the EU Office.
- To determine and co-ordinate the proper functioning of the EU Office with all levels of management in IPSG.
- To perform all other duties and responsibilities delegated by the SRIEU and ensure that all advices on policy decisions and issues are consistent with INTERPOL policy.
- To perform all other functions, duties, and responsibilities that may be assigned by the SRIEU or in accordance with the Secretary General’s indications to ensure the smooth functioning of the EU Office’s with regard to the cooperation with the European Union and in support of the activities / policies of IPSG.
To supervise an administrative team supporting the activities of the SRIEU. The incumbent will work with all Assistant Directors, Executive Directors as well as all other senior managers and staff of the General Secretariat.
Education and qualification required:
- At least five years’ university education (Master’s (M.A) degree is requested preferably in Law, Public Policy or Police Management) is requested.
- Law enforcement training at a senior management level.
Experience required:
- Minimum of 10 years’ experience in progressive law enforcement.
- Extensive background in criminal investigations and related police functions.
- Experience as a Senior Manager of a national law enforcement agency and an equivalent position in an international law enforcement organization.
- Ministry of Interior or Ministry of Foreign Affairs working experience would be an asset.
- Experience in planning and managing complex tasks, with only minimum supervision, is essential.
- Demonstrated management experience.
- Strong leadership qualities and solid presentation and communication skills would be required.
- Fluency in English is required. Proficiency in another of the Organization’s official languages would be an asset, in particular French.
Abilities required:
- Personal and professional maturity.
- Ability to maintain objectivity and apply sound and logical reasoning.
- Team building qualities.
- Very strong communication skills, both in written and oral form.
- Ability to work under pressure.
- Good social and multicultural skills.
- Initiative, creativity (original thinking) and curiosity.
- Ability to develop and maintain professional networks.
- Ability to synthesize.
- Good listening skills.
- Knowledge of EU institutions including the police/justice working groups would be an asset.
- Experience in EU projects or international projects.